I've had a play around with it and it seems ok but for CAT3 you are going to need to do a lot of work to represent anything like what it would look like for real. Anyone played around with it? Or is there something more suitable? Utter waste of time? Is it actually any good though? The demo version looks like it could work but you'd need to create your own fireworks in it really for what I'd do. It would be pointless spending big money on it and I saw FW Sim which looked interesting. I quite like the idea of going that little step further and using a simulator to help visualise the show, even if it's only smaller garden type shows that I do. I usually start the Cobra manually but scripted to a suitable beat in the music and it's worked well enough for me so far. I use a spread sheet to set out all the timings and then just copy into a script file on the Cobra. When I design a show I do it mainly from the videos online of product demos and also previous experience of stuff I've fired before. (yes I know it's overkill but I love it). I've got a nice little set up of a Cobra 18r2 and 2 x 18M plus a 10 stepper but for only doing my own personal displays, family and friends type stuff.